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Virtual Academy



Wesley College Preparatory School's Virtual Academy is where students can accomplish their academic goals at their own pace from the comfort of their own home. Students also have the opportunity to collaborate with their peers, while receiving daily reminders, check-ins, tutoring, live instruction and feedback support from experienced and credentialed teachers and counselors.  Through WCPS’s Virtual Academy, students have access to an extensive list of UC/A-G and College Board approved courses. We are based in Southern California and have been working with students since 2013.


Our Accreditation

Wesley College Preparatory School is accredited by Cognia (formerly called AdvancED).  Cognia is the largest school accreditation agency in the world working with over 36,000 different schools and colleges worldwide.


Our Courses

We offer standard courses, credit recovery courses, honors level courses, Advanced Placement (AP) courses, and unique college level preparatory electives. All of our coursework is rigorous, engaging, and include exciting and relevant multimedia elements designed to engage students for improved learning, retention and mastery. All of our courses are UC approved.  Additionally, AP courses are approved by the College Board.  Students have nearly endless options with the opportunity to start courses at any time throughout the year, with few exceptions. Students may find all of the courses we offer below. 





For individual student, please fill out the Registration Form and Concurrent Enrollment Form below and email back to 







For more inquiry and questions, please email 


Video Conference
Online Class
Distance Learning
Online Discussion

Frequently Asked Questions


1. How can students get credits for our credit recovery course, will students' home school accept it?

A: Wesley College Preparatory School's Virtual Academy only uses UC A-G approved courses.  However, it is up to the student to contact their home school's counseling team to ensure that the recovery course will be accepted by the student's home school for their graduation requirement. On the concurrent enrollment form, WCPS's Virtual Academy requests that the student's counselor at their home school signs off on the student attending our Virtual Academy and provide the student's transcript for our records. The family can choose to waive the counselor's approval at their home school at their wills but it is done at the student's risk and WCPS Virtual Academy is not responsible for a home school not accepting our coursework for graduation requirements. 


2. After taking our virtual academy courses, will students' home schools and colleges accept the grades and how?

A: WCPS Virtual Academy courses are A-G approved by the University of California system.  This is the gold-standard for schools based in California. If students are taking 1-4 courses with us, at the end of their session with us, a transcript will be automatically mailed to the student's home school and to the student's address on record. 90% of the time, if a course is UC approved, colleges and universities across the United States and abroad will accept the course. Although a student's home school should list our courses on their transcript, when applying for college, students’ needs to request a transcript from us to be sent to the colleges to which the student is applying for admissions separately from their homeschool’s transcript. 


3. How can a student request a transcript from WCPS Virtual Academy?

A: If a student needs an additional transcript to be sent to their home, their home school, or to a college or university, the student needs to complete a transcript request form and return it to the counseling department at


4. Can a full-time Virtual Academy Student get an I-20 issued to them from Wesley College Preparatory School?

A: Only students who will be full-time on-site students can legally be issued an I-20 from our school.  There are situations in which a student is required to take summer school courses before their first fall term with us in order to complete pre-requisites or conditions of admissions.  Our summer school program is mostly online through our Virtual Academy.  In these situations, an I-20 may be issued to the student before the fall term's international student orientation on a case-by-case basis that falls within the exceptions of the U.S. Federal Government's Department of Homeland Security.


5. How does WCPS’s Virtual Academy provide students with the opportunity to learn real-world skills?

A: Students collaborate with each other and the instructor virtually, much like many businesses with multiple locations and working with members across the country and across the world. 


6. Do students have the freedom they want in completing work in their own time?

A: Yes, there is a pacing guide, but virtual classes remove the barrier of scheduling.  Some students do better academically while working in the early hours of the morning, some do better while studying during the day, and others see improved results while working at night.  Students are able to move at their own pace completing modules (courses) often much sooner than traditional on-site classes. Some of our students are able to graduate a year or more early.  Others choose to participate in professional sports or careers in the arts while completing school online and still are able to graduate on time.


7. What are some of the differences between traditional on-site classes and online classes?

A: Unlike traditional on-site classes, students can choose to focus on one course at a time, two or three courses at a time, or all of their courses. 

This gives students a more realistic feel of what college is like in that there are fewer courses to be concerned about at one time.  Students are able to choose electives that interest them rather than being confined to just a few options or worrying about the class being full.  There are no scheduling conflicts as students login and complete work at their own pace instead of a standard bell schedule.

We Welcome Non-WCPS Student to Apply- Enrollment Process 


Step 1: Contact our Admissions Team

Before beginning the registration process, it is salient to contact the admissions team to learn more about our school and how we can assist you through the registration process. This will also assist you in finding out if we are able to help you complete the online course work you desire.


Step 2: Register

You may complete the online registration form or download, complete, and email it to

Because you are only seeking to be a part-time student taking between 1-4 classes total and desire to remain at your home school, you do not need to submit other paperwork nor complete an admission interview normally required of full-time students.  


Registration Fee Payment Method: 

Please contact our school’s business office by phone or email for further wire transfer instructions. Application fee waivers are available.


Phone: 714-820-9440


Step 3: Review of Registration Form by Admissions & Counseling

Once we have received your registration materials and registration fee, the admission office and counselor will meet and review your information and make a determination regarding your registration and will notify you promptly if you have been accepted, been accepted with a contingency(ies), placed on a waiting list, or denied admissions. This final step may take up to 2-weeks after all information has been received, but can be as little as the same day you sent in your registration and payment. If you have been accepted, you will receive an online orientation that will cover how to login to courses, navigating the site, pacing, expectations of the courses you are enrolled in, how to submit assignments, take exams, and much more. As you continue on with your studies, you will be contacted by our counseling team. You will be guided through how to obtain records and ensure that your home school receives them.

Application Process for Full Time Virtual Academy Students

Step 1: Contact our Admissions Team

Before beginning the application process, it is salient to contact the admissions team to learn more about our school and how we can assist you

through the application process.


Step 2: Apply

You may complete the online application form or download, complete, and email it to


In addition to the application the following forms need to be downloaded, completed, and emailed back to us at  These forms can be found at under the “Admissions Forms” tab in the Admissions menu.


  • Wesley College Preparatory School Registration Form

  • Math Teacher Recommendation

  • English Teacher Recommendation

  • School Administrator Recommendation

  • Student Records/Transcripts Translated into English (AERC is recommended:

  • Copy of Birth Certificate

  • Recent Photograph


Application Fee Payment Method: 

Please contact our school’s business office by phone or email for further wire transfer instructions.  Application fee waivers are available.


Phone: 714-820-9440


Step 3: Interviews

The online interview is one of the best ways we can get to know who you are and how you will fit into our online school community.  We also want to be sure that you are prepared to take a full course of study online.  You may be asked to demonstrate your technical abilities during the interview.  If one of our student recruiters or a member of our admissions team has already interviewed you, the interview may be waived.  The online interview with a school administrator will take place via Skype or WeChat.  Please note that some students may be selected for a second interview.


Step 4: Review of Application Package by Admissions Committee

Once we have received all application materials and conducted an online interview, the admissions committee will meet and review your materials.  If you are having a difficult time providing the school with some of the required materials for admissions, please contact us so that we may discuss alternatives or contingencies.  At this point the admissions committee will meet and make a determination regarding your application and will notify you promptly if you have been accepted, been accepted with a contingency(ies), placed on a waiting list, or denied admissions.  This final step may take up to 2-weeks after all materials have been received.


If you have been accepted, you will receive an online orientation that will cover how to login to courses, navigating the site, pacing, expectations of the courses you are enrolled in, how to submit assignments, take exams, and much more.  As you continue on with your studies, you will be contacted by our counseling team.  You will receive one-on-one assistance with creating a plan to complete high school and apply for college.  You will be guided through how to obtain records, apply for your high school diploma, how to participated in commencement and other school activities.

Students in our Virtual Academy find that there are additional benefits to taking their classes online. Students enjoy a great deal of convenience with a more flexible schedule and comfortable learning environment. This allows students to tailor their studies around their everyday schedule. Their study time can reflect their own needs rather than accommodate a traditional school schedule. Our Virtual Academy is ideal for students who have professional obligations such as being a working actor or musician, or extensive involvement in professional sports. Other students appreciate the self-paced program finding that their academic anxiety is reduced and they have less overall stress. Our Virtual Academy offers students more course options allowing for students to self-advocate and make more choices of courses they may have a greater interest in, especially in terms of elective courses. Parents also appreciate the lower cost associated with the Virtual Academy. Their students still receive a private school education with one-on-one attention, access to college counselors, and UC

approved A-G courses but at an affordable price point.


  • More affordable than 4-years of traditional onsite private school.  Full-time students pay one rate of tuition regardless of the number of courses they complete each year.


  • Taking advanced courses to strengthen students’ GPA. Unlike most traditional school, our Virtual Academy offers a large variety of courses to choose from, including AP and Honor courses as well as career and technical courses. 


  • Credit recovery courses are available. Many schools will not allow their students to make up certain courses that they receive a bad grade in. Students are able to remediate courses with WCPS’s Virtual Academy.  Are remediated courses are also UC approved.

Wesley College Preparatory School | 920 W. 6th Street, Ontario, California 91762, USA | | Tel: 1.714.820.9440

© 2020 by WCPS

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