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Student-athletes need to maintain a 2.3 cum GPA in order to qualify for Division I collegiate athletics.  This is why Wesley College Preparatory School requires all student-athletes to maintain a 2.3 GPA each term.


It is the student’s responsibility to register with NCAA and to follow the proper protocol to request for transcripts to be uploaded to the NCAA portal.  Ideally, students should register with NCAA during their sophomore year (see and request for their transcripts to be submitted at the end of their junior year and again after graduation.  Students must complete ten of their sixteen core courses before their senior year of high school.  Other requirements for NCAA are the student's responsibility to research through the NCAA eligibility center.


In order to submit SAT and ACT scores to the NCAA eligibility center, students should use the code 9999.


Below is listed the NCAA Division I and Division II schools minimum course requirements to be fully qualified.  Partially qualified and non-qualifier information is not included below.

All of the information below pertains to Division I schools only.  College-bound student-athletes first enrolling at an NCAA Division I school need to meet the minimum 16 core course requirements as noted below in order to practice, compete, and receive an athletics scholarship during their first year of college.  Students entering college on or after August 1, 2020, in order to be fully qualified for a Division I school students need a minimum of a 2.3 in all core courses, earn an SAT or an ACT that corresponds to their cum GPA (see the NCAA eligibility center at, and graduate from high school. 
Division I Requirements:  A minimum of two years of social studies courses with a grade of C or better completed from the approved list below.
  • AP European History

  • AP Macroeconomics

  • AP Microeconomics

  • AP US Government

  • AP US History

  • AP World History

  • Honors Government/Economics

  • US History

  • Honors US History

  • World History

  • Honors World History

Division I Requirements:  A minimum of four years of English courses with a grade of C or better completed from the approved list below.
  • American Literature

  • Honors American Literature

  • AP English Language & Composition

  • English 9

  • Honors English 9

  • English Literature

  • Honors English Literature

  • World Literature

  • Honors World Literature

Division I Requirements:  A minimum of three years of mathematics courses with a grade of C or better completed from the approved list below.
  • Advanced Math

  • Algebra I

  • Algebra II

  • Honors Algebra II

  • AP Calculus AB

  • AP Calculus BC

  • AP Statistics

  • Financial Algebra

  • Geometry

  • Honors Geometry

  • Pre-Calculus

  • Pre-Calculus/Trigonometry

  • Statistics

  • Trigonometry

Division II Requirements:  A minimum of two years of science courses (one must be a lab course) with a grade of C or better completed from the approved list below.
  • Anatomy & Physiology

  • Honors Anatomy & Physiology

  • AP Biology

  • AP Chemistry

  • AP Environmental Science

  • AP Physics 1

  • AP Physics 2

  • Biology

  • Honors Biology

  • Biotechnology

  • Chemistry

  • Honors Chemistry

  • Earth Science

  • Environmental Science

  • Physical Science

  • Physics

  • Honor Physics

Sport Tactics
Athletic Man
Image by Alexander Redl
Division II Requirements:  A minimum of four years of additional core courses with a grade of C or better completed from the approved list below.
  • AP Spanish Language & Culture

  • Bible 11

  • Bible 12

  • French 1

  • French 2

  • French 3

  • French 4

  • German 1

  • German 2

  • German 3

  • Latin 1

  • Latin 2

  • Latin 3

  • Mandarin 1

  • Mandarin 2

  • Mandarin 3

  • Spanish 1

  • Spanish 2

  • Spanish 3

  • Spanish 4


**In Addition to the above noted core course requirements, student-athletes must have an additional three years taken from English, math, and/or science.




The NAIA serves over 65,000 student athletes at more than 250 colleges and universities across the United States.  Students in NAIA schools have earned more than $600 million in scholarships and participate in 21 different conferences.  NAIA schools tend to be smaller and more liberal arts focused than NCAA schools.


The NAIA focuses on the overall experience of student-athletes.  NAIA chooses colleges and universities to participate that balance academics, character building, and athletics.  They are more flexible when it comes to the recruiting of student athletes including but not limited to showcases, mentoring by coaches, and tryouts.


The NAIA also takes the development of its coaches and staff just as seriously as it does its student-athletes.  They pioneered the Champions of Character program and provide opportunities for all of its member schools to participate in character development (i.e., sportsmanship, leadership, servant-leadership, responsibility, integrity, respect, etc.).


Students who wish to be eligible for NAIA must meet two of the three following requirements:

  1. Earn a minimum of 18 on the ACT or a minimum of 970 on the SAT on one test sitting.  These scores exclude the essay.

  2. Graduate high school with a minimum of an accumulative GPA of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale.  Early registrants, who want to be deemed eligible before they graduate high school, need to have a minimum of a 3.0GPA by the end of their junior year and a minimum of a 2.5 GPA by the middle of their senior year.

  3. Graduate at the top 50% of your graduating senior class.


When a student registers to take the SAT or ACT, include the NAIA Eligibility Center on the list of places test scores should be sent.  Use the Code 9876 for the NAIA Eligibility Center.


Students must register with the NAIA and pay the one-time registration fee ($150 in July 2020).  U.S. students may qualify for a fee waiver for registering if they qualify for a fee waiver for the ACT or SAT.  Register with the NAIA at

Wesley College Preparatory School | 920 W. 6th Street, Ontario, California 91762, USA | | Tel: 1.714.820.9440

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